I love the new photos!!! The brownie pictures is the best! MMmmm chocolate! He is too darn cute!
Wanda on
October 31st, 2008
Yes Jen, as you know, my roots are blonde!! My comments regarding these wonderful pics are on your post below this one!!! Love ya! Wanda
Pamela on
October 31st, 2008
Harrison is just too adorable for words!!! The three of you look so happy and comfortable together.Love the picture of Harrison enjoying chocolate all over his face and hands Thank you for posting these beautiful pictures. God bless all of you and just enjoy every minute!! XO
Emily on
October 31st, 2008
Ah the classic chocolate picture, love it! Tell Harrison that his MI cousins are really excited to meet him and play in the snow!
Oh my gosh Jennifer! Harrison is BEAUTIFUL and unbelievably cute! LOVE the slides and you all look like a perfect match. You’ve got another little ham in the family and I love it. Don’t worry too much about multi-tasking. Trust your instincts. Enjoy!
stacey on
November 1st, 2008
Harrison is truly a very special little boy. He has two of the most wonderful people in the world to be his parents. I hope we can get to meet him if we get to CA or if you travel back to the NY area. You all look perfect together.
So let us know how trick or treating went and what Harrison was. Can’t wait to see more pictures & hear about all of the new & fabulous adventures this little guy will take you & Tim on.
Enjoy this new role as mom, dad & family. Bless you all.
Courtney on
November 1st, 2008
Not that it would matter either way, but I actually think Harrison looks like Tim — how appropriate! He’s just adorable! Can’t wait for more news…
Love ya,
grace on
November 2nd, 2008
I have to agree with Courtney, Harrison looks like Tim! He is absolutely gorgeous. Every Mom and Dad believes their child is gorgeous, but this boy is model material. Enjoy him! May you be blessed with health and happiness always.
Love, Grace xoxoxoxoxox
Lori on
November 2nd, 2008
Jen, he is adorable!!!!!!!! I’m so happy for you both, and I agree with Grace, he looks like Tim a little bit
May you, Tim, and little Harrison, be blessed with love,happiness and health!!!
Linda on
November 2nd, 2008
Love the photos!! To heck with responding to us. Enjoy your new son. He’ll be growing like a weed and you’ll wonder where the time went.
Amanda on
November 3rd, 2008
Awww, Jen. He’s sooo cute! And so lucky to have you two for parents. Blessing to all three of you.
liz skorski on
November 3rd, 2008
congrads jen.. you all look so happy..
Judy Orich on
November 4th, 2008
What a great new family…….so happy for the 3 of you. Much love, happiness and boundless energy to all of you. Celebrate daily.
[...] Check out Jen’s blog for more marvelous photos of Handsome Harrison with his Mom and Dad! [...]
Rick Elice on
November 4th, 2008
The Lord works in mysterious ways. But the look on your three faces…well. there’s no mystery there. Just love. How many times do you get to say “couldn’t have happened to nicer people” and actually know that it’s true! Have a blast. Enjoy nap time. Don’t forget to write. We miss you.
Howard on
November 4th, 2008
Jennifer, I think Rick speaks for all of us above when he says we miss you, but thanks for keeping us so-up-to-date with Harrison. I am a believer in karma, and am so happy things have come back to you and Tim in such a great way!
Now, since you have done a Dolly Parton show, when will I hear Harrison do Kenny Rogers? I’m already picturing “Islands in the Stream.”
Please don’t forget your promise–Harrison forms his own opinions. Please…no questions on how we “split” the banana cream cheesecake that night (if he asks, they were “equal” allocations) and no rumors about how you and Tim finished your entire meal and several desserts, and I was talking and didn’t start on my appetizer until the cleaning crew started putting the chairs up!!
Jody Cardillo on
November 4th, 2008
Beautiful pictures, so happy for your entire family
Howard, you always make me smile!
God bless Jen, Tim and Harrison…
Love, Jody
Doreen Shulman on
November 6th, 2008
OMG! Harrison is cuter than cute! You and Tim will have your hands full, girl! And that’s what it’s all about, right? Much love and happiness to you and your new family! (and try to take a breather once in a while – haha!)
Doreen Shulman
(honeymooned in Mohonk “back in the day”)
Helen on
November 9th, 2008
Amazing!!! Congratulations on becoming parents…it suits you very, very well! Harrison is sooo adorable!
May God bless your beautiful family…
Katie (Seale) Fifelski on
January 24th, 2009
I am so excited for you!!! I just heard you on WDEO today– and interview on ‘The Choices we Face”. It was so amazing to hear your voice again!
I love the new photos!!! The brownie pictures is the best! MMmmm chocolate! He is too darn cute!
Yes Jen, as you know, my roots are blonde!! My comments regarding these wonderful pics are on your post below this one!!! Love ya! Wanda
Harrison is just too adorable for words!!! The three of you look so happy and comfortable together.Love the picture of Harrison enjoying chocolate all over his face and hands Thank you for posting these beautiful pictures. God bless all of you and just enjoy every minute!! XO
Ah the classic chocolate picture, love it! Tell Harrison that his MI cousins are really excited to meet him and play in the snow!
God bless your NEW Family!
Keep us posted!
Oh my gosh Jennifer! Harrison is BEAUTIFUL and unbelievably cute! LOVE the slides and you all look like a perfect match. You’ve got another little ham in the family and I love it. Don’t worry too much about multi-tasking. Trust your instincts. Enjoy!
Harrison is truly a very special little boy. He has two of the most wonderful people in the world to be his parents. I hope we can get to meet him if we get to CA or if you travel back to the NY area. You all look perfect together.
So let us know how trick or treating went and what Harrison was. Can’t wait to see more pictures & hear about all of the new & fabulous adventures this little guy will take you & Tim on.
Enjoy this new role as mom, dad & family. Bless you all.
Not that it would matter either way, but I actually think Harrison looks like Tim — how appropriate! He’s just adorable! Can’t wait for more news…
Love ya,
I have to agree with Courtney, Harrison looks like Tim! He is absolutely gorgeous. Every Mom and Dad believes their child is gorgeous, but this boy is model material. Enjoy him! May you be blessed with health and happiness always.
Love, Grace xoxoxoxoxox
Jen, he is adorable!!!!!!!! I’m so happy for you both, and I agree with Grace, he looks like Tim a little bit
May you, Tim, and little Harrison, be blessed with love,happiness and health!!!
Love the photos!! To heck with responding to us. Enjoy your new son. He’ll be growing like a weed and you’ll wonder where the time went.
Awww, Jen. He’s sooo cute! And so lucky to have you two for parents. Blessing to all three of you.
congrads jen.. you all look so happy..
What a great new family…….so happy for the 3 of you. Much love, happiness and boundless energy to all of you. Celebrate daily.
Judy O.
[...] Check out Jen’s blog for more marvelous photos of Handsome Harrison with his Mom and Dad! [...]
The Lord works in mysterious ways. But the look on your three faces…well. there’s no mystery there. Just love. How many times do you get to say “couldn’t have happened to nicer people” and actually know that it’s true! Have a blast. Enjoy nap time. Don’t forget to write. We miss you.
Jennifer, I think Rick speaks for all of us above when he says we miss you, but thanks for keeping us so-up-to-date with Harrison. I am a believer in karma, and am so happy things have come back to you and Tim in such a great way!
Now, since you have done a Dolly Parton show, when will I hear Harrison do Kenny Rogers? I’m already picturing “Islands in the Stream.”
Please don’t forget your promise–Harrison forms his own opinions. Please…no questions on how we “split” the banana cream cheesecake that night (if he asks, they were “equal” allocations) and no rumors about how you and Tim finished your entire meal and several desserts, and I was talking and didn’t start on my appetizer until the cleaning crew started putting the chairs up!!
Beautiful pictures, so happy for your entire family
Howard, you always make me smile!
God bless Jen, Tim and Harrison…
Love, Jody
OMG! Harrison is cuter than cute! You and Tim will have your hands full, girl! And that’s what it’s all about, right? Much love and happiness to you and your new family! (and try to take a breather once in a while – haha!)
Doreen Shulman
(honeymooned in Mohonk “back in the day”)
Amazing!!! Congratulations on becoming parents…it suits you very, very well! Harrison is sooo adorable!
May God bless your beautiful family…
I am so excited for you!!! I just heard you on WDEO today– and interview on ‘The Choices we Face”. It was so amazing to hear your voice again!
CONGRATULATIONS on your Handsome new son!!!!
God is so good!