Archive for August, 2010

2nd grade starts Wednesday

ok we’re back from 5 days in Florida with Harrisons grandparents. We had a great time even flying in on the redeye with 4 hrs sleep..but we caught up. I took walks early in the morning, but still was drenched after 1 mile, due to their amazing humidity!
Than a welcome dinner at Harrisons new school, shopping for his school uniform, play dates, me shopping for a new photographer, reading about HEathers engagement, preparing for a speaking/singing engagement, auditions in between, praying for Wanda’s little niece callie, and pam and those seeking work…and joining FACEBOOK. Life is busy people. Actually I still can’t believe summer break is over, and how i’ve still not managed to multitask anybetter. enough for now, harrisons up..


Thank goodness I don’t have a daily column. Summer is flying by and I don’t know where it went. I was in Michigan once with Tim and Harrison and we had a great 2 weeks,and than I had to suddenly fly back for my godmother and aunt Anne’s funeral, to sing and just be present to celebrate her beautiful life, and death. When Harrison, Tim and I drove up north in Michigan to share the day with her, she was all smiles, and asking me to choose some snow angels (the kind you turn upside down ,and than return and snow sprinkles the scene) to bring home. SHe had tons, and it felt weird as she was right there, but I chose the Guardian ANgel one, as that’s the day I was born ,Oct 2nd Guardian Angel day. SHe had a beautiful singing voice. Operatic and trained and supported me my entire life. WHen I talked with her that day, she wasn’t afraid to die, and she said she felt close to GOd and that she felt His sweet ,comforting
spirit/presence close to her, and she kept describing it as ‘so sweet”. I’ll never forget that and her surrendering smile even while breathing in oxygen.
We’re so thankful we got to spend such quality time with her. And when I went back for the funeral , it was nice spending time alone with my mom and dad .I have to leave in a few minutes for Harrisons SOCCER CAMP at the ROsebowl all week. It’s so hot, but he’s never played before so we signed him up. And he starts a new school for 2nd grade this year, and is so excited to make his 1rst COmmunion..
He’s doing really well and is now about 4’3. watch out mama. Also right after camp we drive to LAX to pick up 2 of my nephews Nate, and Joseph and their sister Emily , who will be here for a week. Harrison is singing rock songs he made up right now.. I think he saw 1 or 2 episodes of BIg TIme RUsh, and is hooked. We never watch tv with I have no idea…Alright..and my friend , long lost friend, Heather Ferguson is coming home soon from her time at Jersey BOys.. Can’t wait. and now Sara Schmidt is the only original Jersey GIrl. You go girl
Ps I had a 3 hr callback the other day and it went really well, got down to 3 of us, and than we had to dance… the character had a stroke and was also a triathalon competitor, so when I couldn’t get the dance, I said’you know i just had the stroke, and before this I was a major dancer , so I’m having trouble…” they laughed and my friend Leslie a dancer got the part. tootles